Boston Web Design, SEO, Social Media & Marketing

AdWords PPC: The Fast Solution

Bring Your Brand Out of the Shadows

Unlike SEO, which takes time to grow organically, you can start seeing immediate results with pay-per-click advertising through Google AdWords. Pay-per-click, or PPC for short, allows you to pay for top positions on search engines and appear on relevant partner websites. This form of paid marketing delivers instant traffic, with many ways to complement your existing SEO strategies through the testing of keywords, business models, and verticals. PPC can:

  • Boost traffic to your website
  • Help you control advertising costs
  • Increase brand recognition
  • Drive immediate results
  • Pull in quality traffic
  • Increase revenue, sales and leads

The best part of PPC is that you only pay when people click. This puts you in the driver's seat so you can control where your money is being spent. If you've been having trouble achieving or maintaining first-page search results, a PPC campaign can boost your efforts and get you seen by the right people. PPC, in effect, allows you to place highly targeted ads right in front of your audience in just a few hours with our expert help.

Whether your business is just getting off the ground or you're an established company that wants to grab more market share, PPC marketing is for you.,/p>

Remarketing ads on Facebook cost pennies

Learn more about remarketing and watch our What Is Remarketing/Retargeting video below

Our Process

Our comprehensive PPC strategy can quickly increase your search engine rankings


Strategy: First off, we'll meet with you to discuss your goals for your pay-per-click strategy, such as how much you are willing to spend, what audience you want to target, etc. We'll also discuss timelines, budget, optimal results, what to expect, and the number of keywords you will be bidding on.

seo process


Optimization: Next, we will create your keyword list, with words and phrases that will best trigger ads to appear in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Our experts will help you choose the most relevant keywords to avoid wasting money on clicks that won't perform as well.



Content: Next up, it's time to write the ads for your campaigns. Writing effective ad copy is imperative here, and our writing and advertising teams can come up with the best ads to ensure a successful campaign. We will also ensure your landing pages are ready to convert. Your pages are ready when you have a call to action, clear and concise page copy, and header tags.

content writing for aoptimzed ad for AdWords & other digital ads


Reporting: Once your campaign is launched, it will need to be tracked. Indeed, PPC tracking is a critical element of search engine advertising. We will make sure your PPC budget is driving business growth by monitoring results and keeping an eye on key metrics like cost per click, cost per conversion, click-through rates, and quality scores. This will ensure your campaign is working as intended.

pay per click reports and analytics

Increase Sales With Pay Per Click Campaigns

AdWords & Marketing

Online marketing with AdWords and other Pay per Click campaigns to increase sale. Keywords & Great content!

What Is Remarketing & Retargeting Ads

Remarketing ads target your potential new clients by showing your ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram after visiting your website