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How to SEO Your Blog Content

Quality Original Content Will Increase Website Traffic

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital part of your digital marketing strategy. Optimizing your web pages, including your blogs, adds more visibility and exposure to your business for customers using search engines to find you.

You may wonder if blog content really can help your business rank organically with the big guys like Google. The short answer is yes, it does. When you blog regularly, you increase your SEO quality by positioning yourself as a leader in your niche. You are solving people’s problems and putting yourself front and center in their minds. More on content marketing

It’s important to use many on-page SEO techniques to maximize your search engine ranking opportunities further.

Here’s how you can optimize your blog content for search engines.

Identify Your Target Audience

No matter what business you’re in, your blog should be geared toward the primary audience who will be interested in your content. When you know and understand your audience, you can better guide them in what to do after reading your content. Make sure your blogs speak to your audience on a personal level. Saying all the technically correct things and using the right keywords only goes so far – make sure it appeals to them as humans.

Conduct Keyword Research

Before you write even one sentence for your blog, you need to perform some keyword research so you know what terms users will be looking for. You need a well-crafted strategy in this case, something a digital marketer can help you with because it takes time.

Add Visuals

Google values visuals for specific keywords, with both images and videos being the most common visual elements that will pop up on the SERPs (search engine results pages). To get into that top image pack or video snippet spot, your graphics need to be creative and your photos original. Tip - name files describing the imgae incorporating keywords. This will assit search engines understand what the image represents

Write a Strong Title

No one will be tempted to read your blog if they’re not pulled in and intrigued by the title. Whether they keep reading or not will depend heavily on the quality of your title, so make sure it poses a questions, leads with curiosity or even shocks them a little.

Add an Enticing CTA

Yes, even your blog posts should have a call to action (CTA). Now that your readers have stuck with you and consumed what you had to say, you have to close the deal and tell them what to do next. A good CTA will be relevant to the topic of your blog and flow naturally with the content. It shouldn’t be forced.

At the end of the blog post, tell them the next step to take, whether that’s to sign up for a newsletter subscription, buy a product at a discount or call you for a free consultation.

Focus on the Reader Experience

Above all, the reader experience is the most important part of your blog page. It should have good readability, appealing formatting, and high page speed, with clear, comprehensive content broken up by headings and bullets.

Incorporate on-page elements such as images and videos, but don’t put too many as this can slow down page speed.

In the end, focus on what’s important to your reader, identify the problem or question, and offer a solution.

Contaent Marketing & SEO by Tactical-Moves

Don’t have time to write compelling blog posts? Why not let us do it? We are experts at content creation and SEO, so we have you covered. Schedule an appointment with us today at 617-858-5802.

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