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If you’re one of those people who firmly believes in fall cleaning their house every year like clockwork, you know the value it offers the whole household. It freshens things up, gets rid of stale odors, removes lingering dust, and purges what you no longer need. In much the same way, fall cleaning your website works to achieve a cleaner home online to ready the path for new, fresh content.
Fall is as good a time as any to perform a deep clean of your website. Take a few beats to revisit your site, go over each page, refresh what’s valuable and remove what’s not. Here’s what you should include in a fall cleaning checklist for your website. If you’ve gotten too far behind and feel overwhelmed about how to bring it all back into shape, partner with a trusted web designer in Boston that can guide the way.
Links are very much like living, breathing things. They’re not designed to be static. Yet many business owners ignore this important task and let those links expire, or worse, lead to content that’s no longer relevant. Every click a user makes on your website is sacred. They can’t be wasted. If a reader clicks on a dead link and it takes them to an event that happened last year or to a coupon that’s no longer valid, they will get frustrated and assume (rightly so) that the website is neglected.
The Search Engine Journal says that broken links not only frustrate visitors and prompt them to leave your site, they damage your SEO efforts. Yes, it’s time consuming and boring. But you can’t risk a poor user experience that takes people off your site.
With 2023 looming on the horizon, fall is a great time to re-evaluate your copyright dates and determine if they need to be renewed. Your web developer can help you with this if you have one, but this task can’t be ignored. You could have to change your copyright dates to reflect the new year when renewing your license, says Small Business Trends. Old dates are not a positive trust signal for users, but more importantly, you don’t want to violate your copyright agreement.
The objectives and goals you originally set for your business and website can evolve over time. That’s a good thing! It shows you are taking cues from your customers and adapting to meet their needs. This fall, evaluate what works right now for your business, which keywords are ranking the highest and which pages drive the most organic traffic. Then, pore over your analytics data to gain insight into where you should go from here.
Another time-consuming task but important one: go through each image on your site to remove or update it as needed. For example, if you have a summer promotion theme on there, change it to fall-themed image of a pumpkin or turkey, for instance. Do the same next month for Christmas.
This is a good time to remove subscribers who no longer interact or engage with you. This will free up your focus on attracting and retaining more relevant and promising clients. Don’t send email blasts to people who don’t need what you’re selling.
Lastly, evaluate your existing content, taking a look at both landing pages and blogs. Make sure dates are current and the information is still relevant. If not, adjust it. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel with all your blogs every time. Sometimes just making some adjustments can reinvigorate your content and make it relevant again.
For example, if you posted a buyer’s guide back in 2020, simply update it to reflect 2022 (or even 2023, looking ahead), tweak some of the content, and re-publish it. Nothing turns readers off more than stale news that does not help them at this moment in time.
Performing seasonal website reviews is essential in ensuring you’re still on track to meet your business goals and objectives. If you seem to be veering too far off that track, let us take a look and revamp your online presence. We have the content, SEO, social media and technical prowess to guide you back to the road. contact our team today at 617-858-5802.
Don't Stagnate. Keep Growing by Revitalizing Your Brand.
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