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Increase Sales Today By Focusing On Reviews

Want to boost sales? Work on your reviews.

Reviews Must Be A Part Of Your Digital Marketing Plan

Everyone wants some magic formula to increase sales, whether they own a coffee shop, hair salon or automotive shop. But the truth is, the magic formula is a combination of factors – of which reviews are a big one. Not seeing the sales you want? Start working on your reviews. This is a free and easy way to generate positive buzz about your company. Let those reviews work FOR you.

Reputation management : this is the #1 homework item I give all my customers. Improve your reviews and improve your bottom line. Businesses that constantly generate reviews are prospering. According to Forbes, companies with a customer experience mindset focused on review management drive revenue 4-8% higher than others in their industry.

Key Takeaways About Reviews

The value of positive reviews can’t be denied. They are the top way to sell your product, as customers will spend 31 percent more on a business that has excellent reviews. Positive reviews also increase consumer trust, give you a direct line to customers, and allow you to appear higher in search engine rankings.

Here are some key takeaways about reviews:

  • Reviews are the 2nd most important ranking factor in local search (the map pack/Google listing) and #8 for organic rankings (website).
  • Studies show that even a one-star improvement on a Yelp rating led to a 5-9% increase in revenue.
  • Reviews are #1 for conversion.
  • People rely on reviews when choosing a company. More than three quarters (78 percent ) of shoppers read online reviews before buying.
  • Advertising works in conjunction with reviews.
  • Reviews enable new businesses to stand shoulder to shoulder with more established competition.
  • Online customer reviews provide a steady source of positive content that search engines place a high value on when deciding which results to return.
  • 2/3 of shoppers view online reviews as an essential part of the decision-making process.
  • Even when advertising, reviews play an important role in converting a shopper to a buyer. You can improve conversion rates on your Google ads by generating reviews.
  • Reviews

We can’t stress enough the importance of reviews!

How to Generate Reviews

Did you know that generating reviews is FREE? All you have to do is ask for the review and then make it easy for clients to leave their feedback with direct links.

Once you’ve done that, research and put into place a review action plan. The first one you come up with may not suffice. Rework and tweak the review process until you settle on one that works (ask 3+ times).

Whether you’re the owner of a coffee shop or a hair salon, time is of the essence – the best time to ask for a review is when the customer is still on the property. Here’s what you can do:

  • 1. Hand out review cards with QR Codes and Text Keywords. (Show the client how easy it is to leave a review) Open your camera app and demo.
  • 2. Electronic Invoice – ask for the review and provide direct links to Google and Yelp.
  • 3. Follow up 10 to 30 days later with a call and email. Again, provide direct links to write a review. Text clients thier link to write a review.
  • 4. Website should have a link to write a review.

Do not expect a review if you’re not asking for the review! Here’s why

  • 90% of consumers expect to be asked to write a review
  • 60% will write a positive review if service meets expectations (if you ask)
  • 80% will write a positive review if they are wowed
  • 90% will write a bad review if they are dissatisfied

Even when advertising, reviews play an important role in converting a shopper to a buyer. You can improve conversion rates on your Google ads by generating reviews. Don’t know how to go about this? We do! Call Tactical-Moves now for a free consultation.

>>> reputation management software to help generate reviews for your business.

How Reputation Management Defines Your Brand

Reputation Management

Heed assistance with your reputation management plan? contact us today for a free consultation at 617-858-5802. We can put a robust reputation management plan together for you based on your unique business needs. From growing 5-star reviews to being proactive about negative reviews, we have the experience necessary to help you use reviews to your advantage.

Get Started on Your Reviews Today!

Ask about our 90 day reputation management software


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