Boston Web Design, SEO, Social Media & Marketing

What Influences Search Results?

what influences search results?

SEO is Evolving All the Time

SEO, Why it Changes Constantly and Why You Need Us

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. This is because several factors influence it to change, from the market to the competition to the search engines. Google seems to be the ring leader when it comes to changing algorithms left and right. Need help sorting it all out? Let Tactical-Moves enhance your SEO strategy.

We understand the primary factors that influence local SEO rankings, some of which include:

  • Link Signals
  • On-Page Signals
  • Behavioral Signals
  • Google My Business Signals
  • Citation Signals
  • Personalization
  • Review Signals
  • Social Signals

SEO Audit Tool

How Can You Be Seen?

Ensuring your business pops up in search results when people look for you is a critical piece of the puzzle. To do that, you have to follow the rules, dotting your i's and crossing your T's. If you want to rank high, you have to appear on the following:

Google My Business: - Claiming and updating your GMB listing is vital in maintaining a consistent, polished web presence while boosting local SEO ranking.

Citations: - A citation is any online mention of a local business. They can include a link to your website as well as local directories such as Yelp.

NAP: - This stands for Name, Address and Phone number. With NAP, consistency is an absolute must.

Reviews: - Customer reviews and ratings provide search engines and consumers with feedback about your business. Quantity, quality and consistency all matter.

Social Media Platforms: - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn allow you to hone more personal relationships with customers, cultivating social proof that can influence search engine results. Such signals will build up your brand as credible and trustworthy.

Local Pack: - These boxed-off business listings appear directly below the map in Google's local search results. You'll see the top three local business listings on Google search results pages here. This is where you want to be. The only listings that appear above this local pack are paid ads as part of PPC campaigns. This business listing should show your company's name, business category, rating, address, phone number, and hours of operation.

This is a lot to keep track of. You need a professional who does this every day to handle your SEO campaign.

Contact Tactical-Moves

If your SEO game needs help, let Tactical-Moves step in. We are the SEO experts, with experience managing organic search campaigns for small businesses just like yours. Plus, we keep abreast on all the latest SEO updates so you don't have to. Contact us at 617-858-5802 to learn how we can help.

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Don't Stagnate. Keep Growing by Revitalizing Your Brand.


Small Business Local Marketing

What Is Online Marketing

Optimize for mobile devices and focus on local search to increase sales in your area.

Local Marketing Plan

We have a local marketing plan design for small businesses with affordable options.